musings of an ohioan who was supposed to be icelandic...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Test methods to become a successful blogger.

In an effort to update more, I'm throwing around the idea of having a P.O.T.D. (Photo of the Day) section on my blog. It would be random photos I found around the internet or on my computer, accompanied with a brief description. Also, you would send me photos as well! It could be fun, maybe..

However, today I'm going to start with an annoyance of mine (I hope that this doesn't become a section as well). Here goes.

Pet Peeve #27 -- Chocolate Martinis

Dear god. I feel that since I tend bar I am justified in bitching about this. I HATE HATE HATE making the Chocolate Martini (and why did I feel I had to capitalize those words?).

1. I get that you're a self important Sylvania Mom, and you probably feel really classy ordering it, but the chocolate martini is overrated. Please people, this isn't 2006 or 7, why has the chocolate martini phenomenon not ended? Try something new!

2. Tacky. That's all.

3. Chocolate is delightful and vodka is excellent, but ordering them together pretty much just illustrates that you lack knowledge and/or appreciation of either. I think Anthony Bourdain said it best: "Anyone who requests this drink should also get a T-shirt that says " 'I am an asshole, please take my money.' "*

That's all.

**I do have close friends who enjoy this beverage, and to them I apologize. We can't all be perfect, right?


adam said...

please allow me to testify on the horrors that are chocolate martinis.
since i've been at finn's i think i've made one martinini.

Cristy Danford said...

Feeling your pain. I was a lazy bartender though... pretty much averse to making any beverage with more than two ingredients. I will give it up for the espresso martini though. I am definitely into those.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Chocolate martini just sounds repulsive. Along with the appletini and and other word mashed with tini.