musings of an ohioan who was supposed to be icelandic...

Monday, January 26, 2009

I wish I had a digital.

There are certain things about winter that I haven't minded so much. Remember that ice storm? I loved the way the trees sounded in the wind, like they were all about to break apart and shatter. Oh, and wasting film. And friends. Always fun.


Sean P. Morrissey said...

there's a girl in my program that reminds me a lot of you. she's the only photographer we have right now.

i think you might like her stuff.

hope you're doing well. i'm getting lots of grey hair (even in my eyebrows). wish you were here!

Lisa said...

none of that looks like a waste of film to me. some really wonderful shots.

m. said...

sweets, i just got a dslr and would like a date with you.