musings of an ohioan who was supposed to be icelandic...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I <3 you, Ubuntu.

My friend Mikey got me to switch to Ubuntu about 2 months ago; I'm probably never going back...

Ubuntu · Linux/Unix

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Ubuntu (IPA: [uːˈbuːntuː] in English,[1] [ùɓúntú] in Zulu) is a free computer operating system based on the Linux kernel. Its name comes from the Zulu word ubuntu, loosely translated as "humanity" or "A person is a person only through other people". Ubuntu's goals include providing an up-to-date, stable operating system for the average user, with a strong focus on usability and ease of installation. Ubuntu has been rated as the most popular Linux distribution,[2][3][4] claiming approximately 30% of desktop Linux installations in a survey.[5]

Ubuntu is free and open source, meaning that not only is it distributed without charge, but it may also be freely improved upon. Ubuntu is sponsored by Canonical Ltd, which is owned by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth. Instead of selling Ubuntu itself, Canonical makes money by selling paid support for Ubuntu. By keeping Ubuntu free and open Canonical is able to leverage the talents of outside developers willing to contribute rather than having to do all development within the company itself. [more...]

Apparently I wouldn't shut up about it one night..."there's nothing worse than a drunk linux user!" -Aaron [apb] Brown


m. said...

im going to say that you should MOVE to cleveland now.
like, right now!

in fact, i will promise you some blog-air time!

Unknown said...

My Canadian step-father's brother is one of the nerds who helped create the original Linux. The last time he visited he got absolutely plastered at The Real Seafood and that's ALL he wanted to talk about.

Linux users remind me of Renaissance people or people who re-create the Civil War.