musings of an ohioan who was supposed to be icelandic...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Get right.

My life is a series of scattered to-do lists. I find them incredibly helpful. Let's see what I can cross off by the end of October...

1. Stay on top of homework, especially research project
2. Take Iceland DVD back to library
3. Apply for passport
4. Clean car
5. Get the 278642786 rolls of film I have developed
6. Get food stamps?
7. Get right with my finances
8. Think of Halloween costume
9. Fix computer
10. Write letters/make mixes
11. Spend more time with my mom
12. Get darkroom access
13. Birthday party?

If only things were this simple...
**Blog quality already going down with my return to school. Yikes!

14. Don't let blog start to suck.


adam said...

frequent postings+less seriousness-words x more pictures=awesome blog

sarah spills said...

good advice!